Wholesaler Ankaka Brings 2 E-Skateboard Models to the International Market
<p>Wholesaler Ankaka Brings 2 E-Skateboard Models to the International Market</p>
<p>Electronics Wholesaler Ankaka has just added two new items to their stock-electric skateboards! E-Skateboards are the latest hot item to hit the streets - completely battery powered, they allow riders to go up to 36 km/hour - passing any bikes along the way with ease!</p>
<p>Due to their compact size and sheer performance, E-Skateboards are quickly going popularity. They weigh barely more than a normal skateboard, which greatly benefits the overall efficiency. Acceleration is also impressive, as they can go from 0 to 30km/hr in four seconds. This may sound dangerously fast, but when used wisely, they offer far better control than normal skateboards. This is because all E-Skateboards use an advanced remote-control system that provides reliable and responsive braking. </p>
<p>And you don't need to worry about wearing down its brake pads- because there are none! Its electric motor stops itself within a few meters, absorbing kinetic energy to help recharge the battery. This process is similarly used in hybrid automobiles like the Toyota Prius. With the slight press of a finger on the remote control trigger, you can safely reducing your downhill speed from 40 to 0 km/hr in about 20 to 30 feet.</p>
<p>The two models in Ankaka's lineup differ stylistically, but their main difference lies in their power rating: one is . The former allows the widest range of users the freedom to choose what is best for them- a skateboard with 100W motor is slower, therefore safer, and also consumes much less energy. The 800W motor takes more energy, but the speed is more than tripled, and climbing hills is a breeze- it can carry a 200 lb rider up a hill with as much as a 30 degree slope! </p>
<p>Ankaka's 12-month warranty combined with extra fast shipping times make their E-Skateboards a great find for resellers and regular customers alike!</p>
<p>Read more information about Ankaka's E-skateboards:. The URL of these two products are: